Comparing sheets Follow
You can compare two sheets or two versions of a sheet by aligning them with each other.
This feature is unavailable in local projects because they do not store sheet version history.
To compare sheets:
Open the first sheet.
On the top toolbar, click Compare sheets
Select the second sheet and its version. You can select another version of the first sheet.
Click Compare sheets.
This adds the second sheet overlapped with the first one (without the second sheet’s issues or markup).
The sheet colors change to the following:
Blue. Parts that are present only on the first sheet.
Red. Parts that are present only on the second sheet.
Black. Parts that are present on both sheets.
The comparison menu on the left provides the following options:
Option Description Align sheets
Align sheets manually. You can drag the first sheet or move it precisely using the arrows in the lower-right corner.
To undo the changes, in the upper-right corner, click Reset.
To apply the changes, click Done.
Overlay view
Switch from the single-sheet view to the overlay view. Single-sheet view
Switch from the overlay view to the single-sheet view.
In the single-sheet view, you can switch between the sheets by clicking them. Both sheets display the issues or markup that belong to the first sheet.
Change the sheet transparency on the overlay view.
When the slider is in the center, both sheets are displayed in full color.
When you move the slider to the left, this increases the transparency of the red sheet.
When you move the slider to the right, this increases the transparency of the blue sheet.
Switch between the sheets.
In the overlay view, this makes one of the sheets transparent to show the other one.
Thanks for this Julia. Is there a way to compare drawings that are at a different scale?
Peter, so far the comparison does not include scaling sheets.
As a workaround, you can export your sheet to a PDF file, scale it, and import it back.
Thanks Julia. Would be a nice enhancement as we have changed designers and a number of drawings have been produced at a different scale.
Can we export the compared sheet as PDF?
Currently you cannot export the compared sheets to PDF. This is something that is on our wish list and will be considered for future development.
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