Ability to filter issues using multiple logic operations at once (e.g. including all issues with one tag but filtering out a different tag)
In the issue tracker there are three options for filtering issues based on their tags
1. ANY, this works as a OR logic gate, and includes all issues that have any of the tags selected
2. ALL, this works as a AND logic gate, and includes all issues that have every tag selected
3. NONE OFF, this works as a NOT gate, it excludes any issues that have the selected tags
I need/want the ability to create a search that has all issues with one tag, but then to exclude issues that have a different tag
Fake example, I have all electrical issues tagged with "electrical", and some issues tagged with "high priority area", I want to check all issues that don't have the high priority tag to see asses them. Ideal solution would be a search =ALL("electrical); NOT("high priority area")
NOT term could also be seen as a NAND operative
Ideal implementation would be the ability to add a text search filter that supports AND, OR, NOT, NAND logic operations
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