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Cloning a whole dashboard



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    Laura Sharpe


    For my own clarification; instead of a single dashboard export, you would like to chose multiple dashboards to export?

    Stamps can be exported/imported across projects which will help with the cross-project dashboards. Currently any adjustments to stamps has to be in the application. I don't know if that is function we can bring to the Workspace. 

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    Joe Levija

    Hey Laura,

    I am not asking to export. I am asking to include the option to clone a dashboard within a project rather than having to export out and import back in to speed up the process of creating a dashboard with multiple charts for each discipline.

    If I set up a dashboard with multiple charts for clashes, issues worked, design changes, RFI's, CO's and Clashes per discipline, I want to create that same dashboard per trade rather than reporting an overall to the individual trades/ design leads.

    I created a dashboard for an individual discipline with 17 different charts and I want to duplicate that dashboard for all my disciplines in design then do something similar for my trades in construction so I can report each discipline and trade independently when needed. I also have overall dashboards for all disciplines combined. 

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    Hi Joe, 

    Open the dashboard settings and save it as a preset.


    And when creating a new dashboard just select the preset you saved. then you can change it to suit. 

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    Laura Sharpe

    Joe - thanks for clarifying

    Goody - awesome answer!!!

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