Link (Model) Preset - Property Name
Is there a property name which cab be filtered and exported to show if a Link/model is loaded or unloaded?
I am able to see the Icon in the selection inspector, but this does not export to CSV, It just shows as 'link'.
Is there a way to export this Load/unload property?
Hi Katerina.
Could you explain what you would like to accomplish with the CSV?The ability to load/unload links determines which models we sync from the cloud and the presets are a way to save various load/unload states depending on what users need. There is no property that is associated to a models load/unloaded state.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm wondering if what you are trying to do would be useful in the Model Management area. We have export to .xlsx, but it exports everything regardless of what is selected. Would bringing the load/unload preset data into the model management area help?
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