Revizto console Follow
Revizto Console is a command-line application for Windows. You can use it to perform the following tasks:
- View your projects
- View project versions
- Export custom properties to files
- Import custom properties from files
- Export project issues to a spreadsheet
- Upload local projects to a cloud storage
Using Revizto Console
You can run Revizto Console from the command prompt, or use Windows Task Scheduler to schedule Revizto Console operations.
To use Revizto Console:
On the computer where you want to run Revizto Console, sign in to the Revizto application.
Open the Windows command prompt.
Navigate to the Revizto console folder.
The default folder is:
For Revizto 5.10 or earlier:
C:\Program Files\Vizerra LLC\Revizto5\Service
For Revizto 5.11 or later:
C:\Program Files\Revizto SA\Revizto5\Service
- Run ReviztoConsole.exe with one of the available commands.
Viewing your projects
You can view the list of your projects with their IDs, titles, and project folders.
To view your projects:
Run Revizto Console using the following syntax:
ReviztoConsole projects
Viewing project versions
You can view the list of project versions.
The list includes the version numbers and major changes that were made in each version. The list starts with version 0, which includes the changes made between the project creation and the first project sync.
To view project versions:
Run Revizto Console using the following syntax:
ReviztoConsole revisions --project <project ID, folder name, or folder path>
Refer to the table below for option descriptions. If any value that you provide includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks.
Option Required/
OptionalDescription --project Required The project ID (for cloud projects), the project folder name, or the project folder's full path: <Revizto working folder>/<project folder>.
To get the list of your projects with their IDs and folders, run Revizto Console with the projects command.
ReviztoConsole revisions --project C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Revizto5New\12345
Exporting custom properties to files
You can export custom property values from the objects of your project’s models to files. However, custom properties of the root model objects are not exported.
This might be useful in the following scenarios:
- You want to back up the property values.
- You have another project with the same models, and you want to copy the property values to that project.
Custom properties that belong to objects of a single model are exported to a single file. Properties with blank values are also exported.
To export custom properties to files:
Run Revizto Console using the following syntax:
ReviztoConsole exportuserproperties --project <project ID, folder name, or folder path> --export <model IDs and file names> [--root-directory <directory>]
Refer to the table below for option descriptions. If any value that you provide includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks.
Option Required/
OptionalDescription --project Required The project ID (for cloud projects), the project folder name, or the project folder's full path: <Revizto working folder>/<project folder>.
To get the list of your projects with their IDs and folders, run Revizto Console with the projects command.
--export Required For each model, provide the following pair of parameters separated by spaces:
- The model's ID, which can be found in the model property: Revizto > Revizto Scene UID.
- A destination file name or full path.
Note. Models originating from Navisworks (.nwd files) may contain submodels (.nwc files). In such cases, provide only the IDs of the .nwc models.
--root-directory Optional The folder to store the resulting files. If omitted, specify the full file paths in the --export option. Example:
ReviztoConsole exportuserproperties --project C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Revizto5New\12345 --export 12345678901234567890 hangar 12345678901234567891 terminal --root-directory C:\REVIZTOFILES\
Importing custom properties from files
You can import custom property values from a backup previously created by exporting them. You might need this in the following scenarios:
- You want to revert to the previous model state.
- You have another project with the same models and want to copy the property values to that project.
When you import custom properties, Revizto Console will check the IDs of each object in the destination model. If a source file contains an object with the same ID, its custom property values are restored.
If a destination object does not have a custom property found in a source file, the property is created.
To import custom properties from files:
Run Revizto Console using the following syntax:
ReviztoConsole importuserproperties --project <project ID, folder name, or folder path> --import <model IDs and file names> [--root-directory <directory>] [--replace-with-import]
Refer to the table below for option descriptions. If any value that you provide includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks.
Option Required/
OptionalDescription --project Required The project ID (for cloud projects), the project folder name, or the project folder's full path: <Revizto working folder>/<project folder>.
To get the list of your projects with their IDs and folders, run Revizto Console with the projects command.
--import Required For each model, provide the following pair of parameters separated by spaces:
- The model's ID, which can be found in the model property: Revizto > Revizto Scene UID.
- A source file name or full path.
--root-directory Optional The folder storing the source files. If omitted, specify the full file paths in the --import option. --replace-with-import Optional This option indicates if existing property values are overwritten during the import.
- True. Overwrite existing values.
- False. Keep existing values.
If omitted, it is the same as True.
ReviztoConsole importuserproperties --project C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Revizto5New\12345 --import 12345678901234567890 hangar 12345678901234567891 terminal --root-directory C:\REVIZTOFILES\ --replace-with-import False
Exporting project issues to a spreadsheet
You can export all project issues, excluding deleted ones, to an XLSX spreadsheet. Then you can generate custom reports from the spreadsheet.
To export all project issues to a spreadsheet:
Run Revizto Console using the following syntax:
ReviztoConsole issues --project <project ID, folder name, or folder path> --out-file <file>
Refer to the table below for option descriptions. If any value that you provide includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks.
Option Required/
OptionalDescription --project Required The project ID (for cloud projects), the project folder name, or the project folder's full path: <Revizto working folder>/<project folder>.
To get the list of your projects with their IDs and folders, run Revizto Console with the projects command.
--out-file Required The output file. Specify the full path of the output file. Example:
ReviztoConsole issues --project 12345 --out-file issues.xlsx
Uploading local projects to a cloud storage
You can upload a local project to a cloud storage.
To upload a local project to the cloud:
Run Revizto Console using the following syntax:
ReviztoConsole localtocloud --project <project folder name or folder path>
Refer to the table below for option descriptions. If any value that you provide includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks.
Option Required/
OptionalDescription --project Required The project folder name or the project folder's full path: <Revizto working folder>/<project folder>.
To get the list of your projects with their folders, run Revizto Console with the projects command.
ReviztoConsole localtocloud --project C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Revizto5New\12345
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