Revizto data storage policy Follow
When you create a Revizto project, you can choose between the following data storage options:
This article describes the data storage policies that apply to each of the options.
Cloud storage
You can store all your project data (scenes, sheets, and issue tracker data) in a protected cloud storage. The following figure shows Revizto data flow in this scenario.
We have five cloud storage locations for worldwide customers and a dedicated cloud storage for Chinese customers.
A project that is stored in the cloud occupies a project slot in a license.
Cloud storage (worldwide)
We have the following cloud storage locations worldwide:
- ANZ (Australia)
- Canada
- Europe (Ireland)
- Japan
- KSA (Premium)
- North America (USA)
- South Anerica (Brazil)
- Southest Asia (Singapore)
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
In all these locations, we host our cloud services on Amazon Web Services. Models and their revisions are hosted on Amazon S3.
Our cloud servers are completely independent of each other. For example, if a customer is located in Oceania, the license is issued to the Oceania server and the customer can only store their data in that location. They won’t be able to store their models on other Revizto servers as the access will be denied. No data is replicated to other locations and no data is copied by us from any of our locations.
For more information on data security, see the following resources:
Cloud storage (China)
We have a cloud storage in China (Shanghai). It is hosted on Alibaba Cloud.
No data is replicated to other locations and no data is copied by us from this location. For more information on data security, see Alibaba Cloud Trust Center.
Shared location storage
If your company's security policy requires storing data on your internal servers, you can keep scenes and sheets on a network drive in your company’s local network. Only issue tracker data will go to the cloud. The following figure shows Revizto data flow in this scenario.
Only people who have access to a local network can open the model and the project. The issue tracker data that is stored in the cloud is limited to issue screenshots, dates, issue tags, names of project members, and communication between the project members.
A project that is stored in a shared location occupies a project slot in a license.
Note. Shared location works only on Microsoft Windows and iPad devices.
Local storage
You have the option to store everything, including models and issue tracker data, on your local device. All this data will be available on this device only. Other users can sign in to the project from this device but cannot access it from other devices.
A local storage is not suitable for collaboration. However, it is handy in some cases. For example, you can save a copy of your cloud project as a local project to experiment on something in it.
A local project does not occupy a project slot in a license.
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