Revizto field use: project setup Follow
When setting up the project with the field end user in mind, take simple steps to maximize their experience. It comes down to making the information easily accessible and easy to digest. Here are some tips that will help with this effort.
- Project publishing
- Revizto project setup
- Sample training agenda: initial training (simple)
- Sample training agenda: secondary training (advanced)
Project publishing
Consider the following:
Hide any duplicate elements before publishing models to Revizto. Revizto publishes what is visible in the view, so hiding duplicates helps to eliminate Z-fighting and reduces the load on graphic cards that render the information. You can also use search sets, appearances, and appearance templates to show or hide elements.
Ensure that there are no elements far from the main model. This can cause issues with the render engine trying to render information far away.
Review the viewpoints before you publish them and remove the viewpoints that don’t provide any value. A large number of viewpoints can increase the project opening time. We recommend that you create viewpoints in Revizto instead of publishing them, as this will allow you to take advantage of appearances and appearance templates.
Revizto project setup
Consider the following:
Ensure that the home viewpoint is close enough to the main building. There is nothing more frustrating than scrolling for 15 seconds just to get to the building.
Simple and thought out viewpoints for easy navigation:
Sections by level.
Discipline-specific viewpoints (for example, structure and MEP, or foundations and underground).
Train the team on creating folders to store their saved viewpoints for quick reference.
Building-specific viewpoints if there are multiple buildings in the project.
Project status viewpoints that show whether specific elements are installed (based on custom properties).
Appearance templates: similar to viewpoints but they do not include the camera position; only appearance of model elements changes. These can work in combo with the viewpoints:
Discipline-specific appearance templates (for example, structure and MEP, MEP with transparent walls and ceilings, or MEP only).
Project status appearance templates that show whether specific elements are installed (based on custom properties).
Polling the team to understand what they want to see in these templates. There might be elements that they hide all the time manually, and they might benefit from a template that hides them automatically.
Have quick reference guides in a folder in the 2D section of Revizto:
Buttons and tools reference guide.
BIM Execution Plan with guidelines on using Revizto in their construction project.
Revizto workflow diagrams.
Model presets for loading/unloading parts of the 3D model. Use them to help the team manage the 3D model. If your project includes reality capture scans, you can configure a model preset that skips loading them. Only project members who actually need the scans will load them. We also recommend that you use model presets in projects with multiple buildings.
Sample training agenda: initial training (simple)
Consider the following sequence:
"Open project" screen.
Select "Double-sided materials."
Check camera distance.
Open a floor plan.
Talk about hyperlinks being created automatically from the detail and section callouts so that you can quickly jump from view to view directly from the sheets.
Set up sheet overlay.
Jump to the 3D model from the floor plan.
Open a detail or section and show that those work as well.
Navigate back to the floor plan and jump to the 3D model to start the 3D demo.
Emphasize navigation from the sheets to the 3D model.
Show the map tool.
Show the room tool.
Open the object tree, search for objects, and select them.
Show how to hide, isolate, and perform other operations from the object tree.
Tap on a model element to show its properties.
Have a favorite properties preset ready to show that favorite properties are always displayed at the top of the properties window.
Show saved viewpoints and create a folder the project members to store their viewpoints.
Highlight appearance templates and how they can use those to quickly jump to specific isolation and appearances. Emphasize that they don’t need to create templates in the beginning. They can let the VDC manager know what they want.
Show load/unload models if applicable to the project.
Show the "Undo" button.
Examples of creating issues:
Navigate to a room with the room or map tool.
Show the gravity and gyroscope buttons at the bottom of Revizto.
Tap on the ceiling and hide it in order to see above the ceiling systems.
Use a stamp to create an issue.
Add markup to the issue.
Add a comment to the issue chat.
Show the "Take Photo" button and take a picture.
Show how this goes into the issue tracker.
Navigate to a floor plan.
Use the measurement tool and then create a stamp issue.
Use the markup tool with the issue scfreenshot.
Show how this goes into the issue tracker.
Issue tracker:
Show how to view these issues in both 3D and 2D.
Show how to filter issues.
Show how filtering changes the issues on sheets.
Sample training agenda: secondary training (advanced)
Consider the following sequence:
Using properties for advanced searches.
Using geometry to find similar objects.
Show examples in actual projects, such as tracking installation statuses.
Selection inspector and how to create a single issue/multiple issues from it.
Selection inspector for jumping to specific elements in the 3D model.
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