Troubleshooting large-scale models Follow
Revizto works best with models up to 200 000 ft (approx. 60 km) in diameter. In larger models, some parts might flicker when you move the camera.
This article describes how to troubleshoot large-scale models. The following scenarios are available:
- Missing objects in large-scale models
- Missing landscape in large-scale models
- Flickering objects, section issues, and ruler issues in large-scale models
- Increasing model size limit
Missing objects in large-scale models
When I publish a large-scale model to Revizto, some of its faraway parts are missing.
Do one of the following:
- If any of the model parts are far from the rest of the objects due to a mistake, correct this in the authoring tool.
- In the authoring tool, split the model into parts, so that they will be published to Revizto as different Revizto models.
- Increase the model size limit.
Then re-publish the model.
Missing landscape in large-scale models
When I publish a model with a single landscape element larger than 200 000 ft (approx. 60 km) to Revizto, the landscape is missing.
If your landscape is larger than 200 000 ft (approx. 60 km), Revizto might remove it entirely.
Do one of the following:
- In the authoring tool, reduce the landscape size.
- Increase the model size limit.
Then re-publish the model.
Flickering objects, section issues, and ruler issues in large-scale models
When I move the camera, some objects flicker (see an example in the video).
When I attempt to place a section plane, section box, or ruler, I cannot drag or even see it.
The in-app log might contain the following errors:
- <number> scenes are too far from each other.
- Models in scene <name> are too far from each other.
The objects flicker because they are too far from each other.
To correct this, do one of the following:
- Correct the model in the authoring tool, and then re-publish the model.
- If the objects belong to different scenes, adjust the scene positions to make them closer to each other (in a scene context menu, select Transform scene and then edit the origin coordinates).
Increasing model size limit
When you publish a large-scale model to Revizto, Revizto might remove some of its faraway parts. For each model, it uses the following algorithm:
Find the point where the sum of distances to all Revizto model’s objects is minimal.
If the distance between an object and this point exceeds 100 000 ft (approx. 30 km), remove the object.
You can increase the default limit of 100 000 ft (approx. 30 km). Note that this might cause flickering of some model parts.
To increase the limit:
On your device, find and open the relevant configuration file:
- For Revizto 5.5 or later, search the Revizto working folder for the global_settings.txt file. You can find the location of the working folder in your project's Preferences menu under Working folder.
For Revizto 5.4 or earlier, search for C:\ProgramData\Vizerra\global.cfg.
If the file is available, it will look like this:
"rebuild_meshes" : 1,
"farCoordsDoObjectsOffset" : 1,
"UseMeshCenterForSceneBox" : false
} -
If the file is available, add the parameter that stores the size limit as shown below (remember all parameter lines except the last one must end with a comma):
"rebuild_meshes" : 1,
"farCoordsDoObjectsOffset" : 1,
"UseMeshCenterForSceneBox" : false,
"maxSceneRad" : 1000000
}If the file is missing, create it with a single parameter:
"maxSceneRad" : 1000000
} -
Adjust the maxSceneRad parameter. We recommend that you do not set it greater than 10 000 000 ft (approx. 3000 km).
Re-publish the model to Revizto.
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