Managing license info Follow
Any license member can view the license name, their role in the license, and the list of license administrators. License members that have enough rights can view and edit other license options.
To view and edit license options:
Sign in to
If you are a member of several licenses, ensure that the correct license is selected.
Go to Tools or License Management Tools and select License Info.
The order of options might vary depending on the width of the browser window.
Option Description Users The number of user slots in the license, both occupied and total.
The super administrator, guest members, and members of the "Waiting for approval" list don’t occupy license slots.
The total number of user slots depends on your subscription plan. To change it, contact a Revizto sales executive.
Projects The number of project slots in the license, both occupied and total.
The total number of project slots depends on your subscription plan. To change it, contact a Revizto sales executive.
License name The license name that is visible to all license members. License administrators can edit it.
To edit the license name:
Click the Edit license name button.
Enter a new name and click
Your role in the license Your license role.
License administrators can change the license roles of other license members. See Managing license member access rights.
Super administrator The super administrator of the license.
The super administrator can transfer this role to another person. See Changing the super administrator.
Region The region where the license was issued. It cannot be changed.
Subscription plan The license subscription plan.
To change the subscription plan, contact a Revizto sales executive.
Expiration date The license expiration date.
To extend the license subscription, contact a Revizto sales executive.
Cross-license collaboration Сross-license collaboration options.
To change these options, contact a Revizto sales executive.
Company domains This field is available only when the "Members of this license that belong to specific domains can be guests in other licenses" option is selected.
Full members of this license that belong to the listed email domains can be guests in other licenses issued in this region.
IT security contacts Email addresses of individuals responsible for IT security within your organization. They may receive security-related communications from Revizto.
License administrators can view and edit these email addresses.
Billing contacts Email addresses of individuals responsible for purchasing Revizto licenses in your organization. They may receive billing-related communications from Revizto.
License administrators can view and edit these email addresses.
Company logo License administrators can add a company logo to the license. The logo can appear in project reports.
To add a company logo:
- Click in the logo area and select an image file.
- If you want to keep the source image’s aspect ratio, select the Maintain aspect ratio checkbox.
- Drag the image or the slider to adjust the crop area, and then click OK.
To remove a company logo:
- In the logo area, click Delete logo
and confirm the deletion.
Who can edit additional fields License members have the following additional fields: company, department, and office location.
This option defines who can edit the additional fields.
To edit this option:
Click the Select who can edit additional fields button.
Make the changes and click Submit.
Show company
Show department
Show office locationLicense administrators can show or hide the following license member fields: company, department, and office location.
After hiding these fields, consider reviewing charts and reports based on them.
To show or hide additional fields:
- Select or clear the Show company, Show department, or Show office location checkboxes.
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